my man

Assalamualaikum dear readers....

Well...My life begin with the letter E and continue to letter M..

Well..Have a lucky guess readers.

10 Months ago....................

Today is the day... White modern kurung on me and white selendang that mak andam
just twist around me.. Well..Lucky me not dying because of choking...

Wanna know what day today? Well..Today is my Engagement Day.. Once in a lifetime.
Whose the 'lucky' guy..?


He is my neighbour...My next door neighbour.. Hahaha.. Sound odd right but that the fact!

Huwaa... What is all this..Papa just called me that day saying that something bad
happened at home and I without suspicious just went home like that.

Now..This is what happen to me.. Engaged to my 'far' away Fiance.
This engagement was set by the man side.Mum and papa said they were shock
when their lovely neighbour came to hand-in- marriage for me...

When was told.. It was the man... Muhammad Uwais Uqasyah.. Nice name right...
Same like the owner..Can make my heart racing like F1... Hahaha..Just joking... But it's true.

I never thaught that he would come to me... I mean, he have, looks,cars..( I love his volkswagen beatles).. Everything... Why would he choose me..?

THE MOMENT..................

The moment have arrive..His mom come near me and take out a ring..Diamond ring on platinum..

Oh My God..!

It's my dream RING!

How did he know..? I look at his mum weirdly and his mum just smile and said..

" Uwais  choose it... He told me that he read your blog about the dream...and the ring.."

Wah..! What a shame...!

I can't raise my head higher.. his mum just smiling and i kissed her hand..


The most emberassing moment of my life...

Guess what.. Uwais also taking photos with me...


"You look pretty dear... i almost can't recongnise you.."

Uwais said that to me...

Those word make me hardly to breath...

Everybody in the house just kept teasing us..!

Mum and papa also...

Stress but happy ....

After the big moment....

I went upstairs and change everything..

urghh..! So irritating wearing this type of clothes... Even during hari raya i don't wear
this outfit for a long time...

Mum knock my door and said that my Mr.F want to meet me at nearby park..

I just yelling like..WHAT..???


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